Services Offered

Carol offers a wide variety of services including, but not limited to, the following:

Sales Strategies
*Philosophy of Selling
*The Sales Process
*Attitude is EVERYTHING
*Measuring your Product/Service
*Time Management
* Goal Setting

Communication Skills
*Communication is used every day in our lives, professionally and personally
*Build influence through positive relationships
*Assertiveness and Negotiation training
*Managing what people "hear" you say to them
*Team Building

Mentoring and Coaching
*Establish a Big Vision
  -Goal Setting
 - Opportunites
Training and research to build your own business
Empowerment coaching in all areas

Etrepreneurship:Having what it takes

Business Stategies
*Getting Financing
  -Finding your target market
  -Marketing yourself and your business

Marketing Stategies
*Marketing materials
  -Business cards
  -Brand consistency
*The importance of 24/7 web presence
*Using social media
*Your "elevator" speech: Selling yourself in 6 seconds